Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Materi TOEFL Structure
- William Byrd was the owner of . . . . . library in colonial times.a. The most largeb. A largerc. A largestd. The largest
- Exobiology is the study of life . . . . .a. In other planetsb. At other planetsc. On other planetsd. To other planets
- The Declaration of Independence, . . . . . the Constitution of the United States, was drawn up with the help of Benjamin Franklin.a. Andb. Alsoc. As well asd. So too
- It was from the Lowell Laboratory that . . . . .a. Pluto was sighted 1930b. Pluto in 1930 was sightedc. Pluto was in 1930 sightedd. Pluto was sighted in 1930
- The rodent, comprising of the mouse, rat, guinea pig, and porcupine, . . . . . with incisor-like teeth in both jaws.a. Are mammalsb. Is a mammalc. Is the mammald. Are the mammals
- The participants have had some problems deciding....a. When they should announce the result of the meeting.b. When are they sgoing to announce the result of the meeting.c. When should they announce the result of the meeting.d. The time when the result of the meeting to announce.
- This year will be more difficult for our organization because....a. We have less money and volunteers than last year.b. There is a little money and volunteers than last year.c. It has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.d. It has fewer money and less volunteers than it had last year.
- An unconsolidated aggregate of slit particles is also termed slit, …a consolidated aggregate is called siltstone.a. Whichb. Whyc. Whereasd. Whether
- Professor Baker told his students that...a. They can turn over their reports on Mondays.b. The reports can turn over on Monday.c. They could hand in their reports on Monday.d. The reports they can hand in on Monday.
- Most documentary filmmakers use neither actors ………. studio setting.a. Or elseb. But notc. Nord. And
- The adder is a venomous snake ... bite may prove fatal to humans.a. itsb. Whom itsc. Thatd. Whose
- .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying capability diminishers.a. It is more overcrowded.b. The more overcrowded.c. More overcrowded than.d. More than overcrowded.
- The chairwoman requested that ....a. The participants studied more careful the problem.b. The participants study the problem more carefully.c. The participants studied the problem with more careful.d. The problem be studied more carefully.
- Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.a. The rotation of Jupiterb. Jupiter rotatesc. Jupiter rotationd. Jupiter rotate
- Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, ……….. the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938, is best known for her novels about China.a. Wonb. Winner ofc. To wind. Who the winner of
- Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.a. Theb. it is thec. is thed. Where the
- The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.a. Whoseb. How they arec. Haved. Their
- During the decades after the United States Civil War, a host of technical advances made possible ……… and uniformity of railroad service.
a. A new integration
b. For a new integration
c. That a new integration
d. And a new integration
- d. The largest
- c. On other planets
- c. As well as
- d. Pluto was sighted in 1930
- b. Is a mammal
- c. When should they announce the result of the meeting.
- c. It has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
- c. Whereas
- c. They could hand in their reports on Monday.
- c. Nor
- d. Whose
- b. The more overcrowded.
- b. The participants study the problem more carefully.
- b. Jupiter rotates
- b. Winner of
- a. The
- d. Their
- a. A new integration
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